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Sunday, 28 June 2015

Ali Baba replies those who thinks Banky W shouldn't have complained about his stolen phone

By : Unknown
On : 15:57
In :

I reported to you guys that Banky W sent out a message to whoever stole his phone at DJ Xclusive's party last night. Some of his fans think he shouldn't complain about it since he is brand ambassador to Samsung. Well, Ali Baba who has been looking for a medium to address issues of brand ambassadors took advantage of this time and replied those who felt Banky Shouldn't have complained. 

Read what he wrote below

"I have always wanted to address this issue of brand ambassadors, but never found the right time or right words. It however came together today when I read @bankywellington's phone stolen. He posted something to show how angry he was with the theft of his phone. Some sympathized while some thought he should stop whining about the phone, BECAUSE HE GOT IT FOR FREE.

That is the reason I decided it was the right time to post my take on BEING A BRAND AMBASSADOR. Obviously, a lot of people think the pecks anyone enjoys from a corporation that selects you as a brand ambassador is FREE. You wish!
The word SELECT is not a lucky dip when it comes to brand ambassador dynamics. Whatever you get as a brand ambassador is not "dash". It's part of what you are being paid for your services. At first, I wanted to address the ignorance of those who said @bankywellington should keep quiet & go get another phone. Then realized that it's not their fault. We have become a society that sees anything anyone gets as free. We do not think it was worked for. We beef people who work hard to acquire anything & even use the usual phrase "DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE THAT CAN FEED?"
Now let me show you how the phone that stolen was not free. Every creative person has nothing but his or her talent to sell. Just as the lawyers have their talents in providing you services in court. So, when the talent is well galvanized & delivered to the public, it pays up with popularity, wealth (sometimes) and job satisfaction. Brands who need wings of popularity to perch on then SELECT you based on what they want to achieve. Whatever pecks you get become payment for helping the brands to connect with the goals they visualized.
If you did not work to build something that the brand think brings a VALUE PROPOSITION to the table you get nothing. The attitude of people...to think working hard to build a brand, that another multi million brand sees & believes in & decides to ride on, is nothing and count the benefits as free, is one more reason we have lost all values for hard work & appreciating same. If you worked hard to enjoy the benefits of your job, DO! Theft is theft! What do I know? Shebi I be comedian?"