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Sunday, 28 June 2015

35-year old man shot in the chest for trying to help lady

By : Unknown
On : 15:56
In :

Gun - killer weapon
ta, 35, passed away Friday 29th May, from gun shot wounds inflicted on him.
According to reports, the deceased heard a lady screaming in distress. The deceased observed from the things the lady was screaming that she was being robbed of her personal effects.

The graduate of the University of Calabar was in his room with his friend where he lived on Goldie Street, Calabar, when he decided to go helping as usual.
He asked his friend to join him, but the friend kick against the offer, so he decided to go alone.
It was when he reached the place the screams was coming from that the robbers shot him in the chest multiple times.
He died from the gunshot wounds four days later.
Cross River has been plagued by violence in the last few months, with most the cases being cutism-related.