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Monday, 6 April 2015

Grand Theft Auto 5 New demo released

By : Unknown
On : 13:55
In :
Grand Theft Auto 5

If you are one of the gamers patiently waiting for the launch of the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto 5 PC version, slated to arrive on April 14th, 2015, you are sure to enjoy this new gameplay footage released by the game’s developers Rockstar demonstrating what the Grand Theft Auto 5 PC version will look like.
“Grand Theft Auto V is an action-adventure game played from either a first-person or third-person view. Players complete missions—linear scenarios with set objectives—to progress through the story. Outside of missions, players can freely roam the open world. Composed of the San Andreas open countryside area and the fictional city of Los Santos, the world of Grand Theft Auto V is much larger in area than earlier entries in the series.”
GTA 5 is already available to play on both next-generation game consoles including the PS4 and Xbox One as well as older generation Xbox 360 and PS3.
According to geeky gadgets, Rockstar announced a while back that gamers who pre-order a copy of the new GTA 5 PC version of the game, are also be entitled to choose from a selection of other free Rockstar games to add to their library.